APRIL 17, 2018

    The meeting was called to order by President, Donovan Bowley at 7:08 P.M. Those attending were: Donovan Bowley, Nancy Ford, Bill Borch,
Ron Smith, Bill Jones, Judith Jones, Marie Berry, Juanita Hunt, Mary Ireland, James Della Penna, Cynthia Della Penna, Bob Appleby, and Linda Hillgrove.
Guests were Heather Gerquest, Christian Gerquest, Maggie Tracy, Audrey Moody and Speaker, Roger Moody.

    SECRETRY’S REPORT: Secretary, Linda Hillgrove, summarized the Minutes for December 12, 2017 which was unanimously accepted.

    TREASURER’S REPORT: Donovan Bowley, for Gwen Brodis, gave the Treasurer’s report. Total Income: $867.22; Total Expenses: $450.12;
Balance in Savings: $15,330.94; and Balance in Checking: $668.59.
 OLD BUSINESS:  Mary Ireland has provided Donovan with a flash drive with her transcription of the Hope School District No. 2 book, which they both will review and index.
Work on the Town Clerk’s Record Book is slow. Volunteers are welcome to help with the process of transcription. This handwritten 1804-1848 record contains a large
long missing chunk of Hope History and we look forward to producing an indexed electronic and printed version which is widely available. Current  transcribers are
Cindy DellaPenna, Linda Hillgrove, Bill Jones, and Donovan Bowley. Bob Appleby has provided CDs to be viewed.

    NEW BUSINESS: We discussed the Traveling Trunk Project. Emily Saladino would like to have small items from the 1800s to 1950s. This is an
outreach project to benefit the HHS and, has been accepted, with enthusiastic anticipation, by the Principal of Hope Elementary School. Juanita Hunt
has the trunk at her home. Wayne and Marie Berry will provide lawn care this summer. Florence Merrifield has donated a king size quilt for a benefit raffle
with a “Little Red Schoolhouse” motif. Tickets are six tickets for five dollars or one dollar for single tickets.

BUILDING REPORT: Committee Chair Scott McIntyre has reviewed the building and discussed several issues with Gwen and Donovan. The most pressing
of these are the replacement of the large window in the kitchen which has a rotting sill and frame and replacement of a sash in the Faith Hard room.

PROGRAM CHAIR: Ann Leadbetter, program chair, was unable to attend. Donovan Bowley introduced our speaker for the evening. Roger Moody, spoke
about his recent publication on the history of Knox County. Amy Wilton, photographer, will be the speaker for May.

Refreshments were provided by Juanita Hunt and Ann Leadbetter.
Respectfully Submitted,                                                                                  Linda Hillgrove, Secretary
