August 15, 2017 Draft
The meeting was called to order by President, Donovan Bowley, at 7 P.M. Those present were Donovan Bowley, Gwen Brodis, Ann Leadbetter, Bill Jones, Marie Berry, Cynthia DellaPenna, James DellaPenna, Bill Borch, Juanita Hunt, Bob Appleby, Judith Jones, Nancy Ford, Linda Hillgrove and Speaker, Kerry Hardy, with guests, Joseph Smith and Sarah Smith.
SECRETARYS REPORT: Treasurer, Gwen Brodis, reported on the finances for July with Total income: report to come from Gwen.
OLD BUSINESS: Marie Berry will be at the HHS home September 1st from 10 A.M. until 2 P.M. to help with tours and help with inquiries.
NEW BUSINESS: Bill Jones found a box of photos left at the Hope Store by unknown persons with pictures of Rachel and Olive Noyes and many unlabeled photos.
On Monday, Janice and Stephen Brown, who grew up in the HHS house, toured and shared their memories of growing up in the house. Also, Bruce Kleene of the Cole family, stopped in to show books he had made to learn his measurements, a marriage certificate of ancestors who moved here from Massachusetts. Some of his ancestors moved to Placer County, California, where gold was discovered. On Mondays the HHS home is open from 9 A.M. to Noon.
PROGRAM CHAIR: Program Chair, Ann Leadbetter, announced our Field Trip will be held September 19th at 3 P.M. We will meet at the HHS home and car pool to Bishopswood. Ann introduced our speaker, Kerry Hardy, who showed slides of Banton Chase Maps from 1759 and 1859 along with LIDAR slides showing topographical photos of old roads, (which were being used during the time the surveys were done), foundations and glacial patterns in Knox County.
Juanita Hunt and Judith Jones furnished refreshments.
Respectfully Submitted, Linda Hillgrove, Secretary