Major Allan Talbert from the Maine Marine Patrol will be the speaker for our 7:00 P. M., June 18th meeting.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P. M. by President, Juanita Hunt. Those attending were: Gwen Brodis, Barbara Ludwig, Ann Leadbetter, Judith Jones, Florance Merrifield, Lewis Merrifield, Bill Jones, Cynthia DellaPenna, Jim DellaPenna, Marie Berry, Donovan Bowley, Mary Ireland, Bob appleby, Ron Smith and Linda Hillgrove. Guests were Rod Burton, Katherine Woodman, and Speaker, Lawrence Trueman of St. George.

SECRETARY'S REPORT: Secretary, Linda Hillgrove, presented Minutes from April 16th meeting. Cindy DellaPenna asked to amend the Seretary's Report to include Emily Saladino's request of financial reimbursement for expenditures she made photocopying material for the traveling trunk. Marie Berry made a motion to provide some financial help. Ron Smith seconded the motion. There was a discussion and the motion was tabled until we received a written account of expenses from Emily. The Amendment and Minutes were unanimously accepted.

TREASURER'S REPORT: Treasurer, Gwen Brodis, reported Total Income of $1,095.94; Expenses' of $622.95; with Balance in Savings of $16,590.24; Balance in Checking of $918.56. the Treasurer's Report was unanimously accepted.

OLD BUSINESS: Committee lists were passed around for members to be sure their name was not omitted. The Executive Committee met and outlined changes in the By-Laws. Gwen has sent out a copy of the By-Laws with changes to all members. Members are to vote on the changes at the June 18th meeting. Marie and Ann will be calling members for food donations and/or volunteering to help at the Town Office on Election Day, June 11th. Florance Merrifield has made a quilt for sale (tickets are $1.00 each or 6 tickets for $5.00. Florance has many new crafts to offer this year.

A motion was made by Jim DellaPenna that individually driven projects (such as workshops)cannot be initiated in the name of Hope Historial Society or be reimbursed for expenses incurred without approval by the members present at a regularly scheduled meeting. The motion was approved. Members were asked to sign up to be greeters on Monday's this summer from 9 to 12 noon when the HHS home is open to the public or by appointment. Cindy DellaPenna reported the transcription on the Old Town Report will be done within a month and she has 45 more pages to index. Mary Ireland did transcription on the roads

President, Juanita Hunt, called ten roofing companies for estimates.One did not respond. One company said it would be a year before he could get to it and more extensive shingling needs to be done to avoid leaks. Gwen said she would check with a family member.

Members were asked to sign up to be greeters on Monday's this summer from 9 to 12 noon when the HHS home is open to the public or by appointment. Cindy DellaPenna reported the transcription on the Old Town Report will be done within a month and she has 45 more pages to index. Mary Ireland did transcription on the roads

Thanks go out to Ron Smith and Bill Jones for clearing our roadsides and ditches of returnable cans and bottles .

NEW BUSINESS: We expressed our appreciation to Wayne and Marie Berry for mowing and clean up of the lawns and to Marie for the potted plant at the entrance. Marie Berry has changed the Yard, Craft and Baked food sale this year which will be held on June 29th, July 27, August 31 and September 28th which is the last Saturday in each month. There will be free coffee and lemonade and Marie has offered to do publicity and also needs volunteers to help with the sales from 8 A. M. to Noon.

Bob Appleby announced his retirement as Webmaster. Bob has spent 22 years helping HHS with its website. We will be looking for a volunteer to manage our web site and Bob has offered to help them get started. Donovan made a motion we go on record thanking Bob for his years of service.

Refreshments were provided by Linda Hillgrove. June refreshments will be provided by Ann and Juanita.

PROGRAM CHAIR: Bill Jones introduced Lawrence Trueman of St. George who spoke about "Treasure Hunting". He showed us many worthless and some valuable items he uncovered from beaches and old abandoned homes, foundations and from people who request he use his metal detector on their property. He is also an Auctioneer.

Respectfully Submitted,
Linda Hillgrove, Secretary
