Hope Historical Society
Vice-President Bob Appleby called the monthly meeting to order at 9:30 at the Hope Historical Home. Also present were: Patti Bosken, Gwen Brodis, Hope Chase, Jean Connon, Faith Hart, Herb Hart, Mary Ireland, Bill Jones, Ann Leadbetter, Barbara Ludwig.
Treasurer Faith Hart distributed the annual Treasurer's Report. The balance in the checking & savings accounts was $9,490.08. The report was approved as presented.
Secretary Bill Jones distributed the draft minutes of the October annual meeting. After corrections to add attendees he had missed, the minutes were approved as amended.
Committee Reports
The Nominating Committee (Hope Chase, Herb Hart & Bill Jones) confirmed conversations with Donovan Bowley, to whom they offered the presidential nomination. Donovan accepted, conditional on the committee's understanding that he has obligations to fulfill to the Appleton Historical Society and that health problems sometimes interfere with his work. The committee did so understand and welcomed his acceptance, especially since it might be expected to lead to closer cooperation with Appleton Historical Society. Bowley's nomination was moved and seconded. Discussion focused on the propriety of electing someone who was not present. The motion carried 9-0-1.
For the Building Committee, Herb Hart reported that the Corner fire station constructors had replaced the culvert across our driveway and would deepen the ditch. The home has been winterized, except for the water, which will be drained following the December Christmas brunch. The Hope Historical Home's insulation was checked with an infrared thermometer and found to be OK.
For the Website Committee, Bob Appleby reported that the daily number of hits per day on www.hopehist.com was an amazing 67 in September and 66 in October. Photographs of our gravestones are continuing to be put up on hopehist.com.
Archivist Faith Hart reported that our Victorian hair art wreath has been displayed. The donor, Mrs, Best from Rockland (a True) was close to Grammy True. Wilma True taught her to crochet. Ann Leadbetter will try to get her to come to a meeting so she can tell us all she knows about this extraordinary artifact. Perhaps her daughter can bring her.
The census for the 2010 Chronicle continues. Several of
the 20 routes (Marie Berry's, Florance's, Gwen's, Faith's, Bill's, John
Boeckeler's, Marie Powers's, ?) are completed; work continues on others.
Work on three routes (#1 (Alford Lake Road and related), 39 Howe Hill, Pearse,
Robbins, Seacoast) & #12 (High Street & Ames Terrace) have not started.
Carole Whelan has agreed to begin #1; it is a long route and help would
be appreciated. Gwen & Bill gathered information for the Business Directory
when they did their routes but other Route Captains did not. Larrain Slaymaker
has contributed information from her Hope-Is-Hip group. It remains unclear
how the Business Directory will be completed.
Old Business
The Vice President reported that the team that was going to transcribe the Abner Dunton diary would not be able to do it. He called for volunteers. Patti Bosken volunteered to work with Faith and Gwen to transcribe the document and make a digital copy. Discussion ensued as to whether HHS could or should put the diary on the web or sell copies. What were the conditions of the gift from our well-known donor who wishes to remain anonymous? The Secretary recalled that the conditions were that the donor remain anonymous and that the document be kept safe. Members asked him to check the minutes to be sure of the conditions. [Subsequent to the meeting, Ron Smith has taken up the task of the transcription with the approval of the Executive Committee, which will find another task worthy of the generous offer by Patti Bosken.]
Bill reported that, as soon as Tim Pearse was ready, he would need strong volunteers to move HHS's historic safe from the basement of the town office to the HHH barn. Several members objected to moving the safe until after it had been opened. [The content of the safe are unknown and no one has known the combination for as long as anyone can remember.]
New Business
Ann Leadbetter reported that the Town Administration does not want the 6 tables in the town office community room that belong to the MidCoast Ladies' Club and that, on the club's behalf, Francina Pearse had offered HHS 2 tables. Gwen Brodis reported that her mother (Lura Norwood) had paid for the tables and her husband (Richard) had made them. Bill Jones wondered by what right the Administrator was doing this, since both the Selectmen and the Budget Committee had turned down his request for new tables. It was moved and seconded that, if tables were available, we accept 2, with the understanding that we might accept more if they were offered. The motion carried (10-0-0).
Gwen Brodis presented the Society with a lovely, spiral-bound, proof copy of the 1936-7 diary of Florence Adele Payson Pearse that Lester R. Dickey had transcribed and produced. He gave HHS permission to publish the document. Discussion ensued over we should put some of the contents on hopehist.com and over whether we should publish and sell this interesting historical document.
The next meeting will be Tuesday December 8 at Hope Historical Home. Brunch will be at 9 AM. The children from Hope School will arrive at 10 AM and we will join in singing Christmas carols, followed by cookies and punch. Barbara will bring juice. Patti will bring Christmas breads. Faith will bring an egg breakfast casserole. Herb will bring rainbow sherbet. Gwen will be in charge of getting other people to bring whatever else is needful. Home fries and fruit were mentioned.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:35.
Respectfully submitted,
Bill Jones, Secretary