The meeting was called to order by President Donovan Bowley at 7:05 P.M. Those attending were Gwen Brodis, Ann Leadbetter, Bill and Judith Jones, Marie Berry, Juanita Hunt, Linda Hillgrove and our speakers, Mike Douglass and Hanna Billington.

SECRETARY’S REPORT: The Annual Minutes of October 18, 2016 were summarized by Secretary, Linda Hillgrove which was unanimously accepted.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer, Gwen Brodis, reported incoming funds from Coastal Opportunities of $83.36; Marie’s Pies, $159.00; Willis Keene Donation, $23.37; Crafts Hope School, $79.00; Dues, $400.00; Life Memberships, $200.00; Donations, $1,225.00; In Memory of Dick Brodis, $1,215.00; Bake Sale & Craft Table, $903.00; Henry Lunn, $25.00 for a Total of $4,312.73. Expenses: Central Maine Power, $37.86; Maine Hosting Solutions, $19.95; Henry Lunn, $25.00 for a total of $82.81. Balance on Hand: SAVINGS: $10,074.45; CHCKING: $957.58. The motion to receive the treasurer’s report was moved and accepted.

WEBMASTER: Webmaster, Bob Appleby was unable to attend.

OLD BUSINESS: See Donovan to sign up for transcription of some of the 400 pages of the Town Clerk’s report. Mary Ireland is transcribing also. Let Donovan know which committee you wish to participate in.

Our inside storm windows from Window Dressers are performing well. Window Dressers is looking for volunteers to make over a 100 windows before the holidays. Anyone is welcome to be a volunteer. Barbara DeGrasse is the coordinator and can be reached at 596-3073. Marie Berry reported the Open House held during October had a good number of non-members attending.

NEW BUSINESS: Christmas Brunch will be held December 13th at 9:00 A.M. at our HHS Home. Bring a dish to share and drinks will be furnished. Let Gwen know which months you would like to provide refreshments for the 2017 meetings. After the December Brunch, our meetings resume on the third Tuesday in April.

 PROGRAM COORDINATOR: Ann Leadbetter introduced Hanna Billington and Mike Douglass from Bishopswood Camp (Camp Merestead) in Hope. Hanna and Mike are Camp Staff and Executive Director, as well as teachers. In addition to operating the camp they are overseeing the improvements being made. In 1962 the Episcopal Diocese bought the property formerly occupied by Camp Merestead. A new septic system,-largest in Hope- has been installed as well as a new driveway and landscaping with a 3.1 km walking trail are some of the projects in progress. Hanna showed photos of the class room, dining hall, athletics fields, staff and campers from the 1930s and spoke of the history of Camp Merestread, which opened in 1938 as a prestigious girl’s camp. In 1962 the Episcopal Diocese bought it. It has the first field hockey field in the State of Maine and is the fifth most affordable camp. Michael does the fund-raising to help under privileged children have the opportunity to attend. The public is invited to tour the buildings and grounds and use the trail after it is completed.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 P.M. Refreshments were provided by Ann Leadbetter, Gwen Brodis and Linda Hillgrove.

Respectfully Submitted, Linda Hillgrove, Secretary
