Hope Historical Society

Meeting of October 20th 2009


The annual meeting at the Town library commenced with a potluck supper at 6 PM, followed by a brief business meeting, followed by a program. Present were: Bob Appleby, Bill & Marian Borch, Donavan Bowley, Gwen Brodis, Jean Connon, Nancy Ford, Obed & Faith Hart, Herb Hart, Mary Ireland, Bill & Judith Jones, Ann Leadbetter, Jay Leech & Becca Swan, Barbara Ludwig, & Ron Smith.

Treasurer Faith Hart distributed the annual Treasurer's Report. As of this date, the Society had a checking and savings balance of $6,518.81 (cf. $6,488.07 a year ago) as well as certificates of deposit worth $31,532.33. Income for the year was $6,171.51, of which $1,559.55 from food sales, $455 from dues, $330.02 from bottle and can recycling, $250 for hosting an event, $87.50 from the Come Spring Conference, $22.44 from interest, and $3467 from donations, of which $2855 in response to the building fund letter and $545 in memory of Society members Dorothy Kimball, Helen Dalrymple and Cony Brown who died within the year. Expenditures for the year were $6,140.77, of which $5,736.41 (93%) for improvements to and maintenance of the Hope Historical Home [new roofing - $2950., insurance - $1249., fuel - $704.38, window wells & building supplies - $386.07, electricity - $236.96, septic maintenance - $210.] with the remainder for secretarial supplies, State fees, binding Town reports and purchase of a digital voice recorder. The report was approved as distributed.

The Nominating Committee (Hope Chase, Herb Hart & Bill Jones replacing Lois Hebb) reported nominations Bob Appleby for Vice-President, Faith Hart for Treasurer and Bill Jones for Secretary. Other nominations were called for. There being none, the committee's nominations were approved on a no-objection basis. The committee reported that it had no nomination for President but expected to have one by the November meeting.

For the Building Committee, Herb Hart reported on projects that he and other committee members had completed.

For the Website Committee, Bob Appleby reported that, as a result of Roxanna Moore Saucier's article about us in the Bangor Daily News, the daily number of hits on www.hopehist.com has jumped from about 50 to about 65. Our new computer is installed and operating.

Someone reported that the census for the 2010 Chronicle is going on, though behind schedule. Route Captains were still needed for 3 of the 20 routes (Alford Lake Road et al., Pearse, Howe Hill, Seacoast et al., and High Street).

On South Hope School, Bill Jones reported that nothing has happened.

The meeting was adjourned.

Members and guests enjoyed a remarkable talk, slide presentation and exhibit of the equipment used by Ron Smith (62) in his attempt to hike the Appalachian Trail from Georgia to Mount Katahdin. After braving snow and a great deal of rain, he arrived in New Hampshire in time to visit his family for July 4th. The doctor said his trench foot and liver problems acquired on the trail precluded continuing this year, but he intends to finish next year. Becca Swan has completed the "through hike." After Smith's presentation about stones, wet and cold, members were inclined to enjoy the "through hike" through Ron's travelogues.

Respectfully submitted,

Bill Jones, Secretary
