Hope Historical Society

Annual Meeting of October 16th 2012

Revised Draft Minutes

At the Hope Corner fire station, following a scrumptious potluck supper, President Donovan Bowley called the annual meeting to order at 6:42 PM. Also present were: Bob Appleby, Joe Berry, Bradley & Lorinda Boyd, Dick & Gwen Brodis, Hope Chase, Cynthia Dellapena, Les Fossel (speaker) & Mary Fossel, Herb Hart, Bill & Judith Jones, Ann Leadbetter, Barbara Ludwig, Elliot & Jane Mitchell, Diane Sprowl.

We observed a moment of silence in memory of our key member and long-time Treasurer, Faith Hart (nee Ludwig) who had just died after a long battle with cancer. Services will be held Saturday October 20th at 11 AM at John Street Methodist Church.

Secretary Bill Jones read an abstract prepared by the President of the minutes of our October 2011 annual meeting. Full minutes had been distributed. They were approved unanimously.

Acting Treasurer Gwen Brodis reported annual income at October 16th of $5,554.85, principally from our building-fund letter ($2370.), food sales ($1262.), bottle redemption ($566.46), a Fidelity charitable gift ($500.), and dues ($335.). Expenses were $5,471.78, principally for heat & service ($2204.67), insurance ($1276.), archival supplies ($693.20), shelves ($319.65), and computer stuff ($300.). The checking and saving account balance was the same as one year ago ($8735.31). The value of the CD was $32,823.01. The report was unanimously received with special thanks to Gwen.

For the Website Committee, Vice President Bob Appleby reported that, over the past year, daily hits had now stabilized at about 200, probably mainly concerning genealogy. 88 Hope burials in Pine Grove Cemetery when it was still part of Hope are being recorded. There were a lot of little things but the big ones were: Dr. Moses Dakin's book, the 2nd Abner Dunton diary, the revival of the Boston Post Cane tradition, 3 additions to our audio-files (Nancy Graham on the Foglers, William Pearse on roads & on apples), and getting the photo of our 7th school (Alford Flat) straightened out. The President reported Gwen Brodis' discovery of another old school, West Hope, at the end of Gurneytown Road at the Jaako Laakinen place. It is still there. Renowned artist Charles Dana Gibson painted it. Donovan reported that the Society received congratulations on its website from Harold Wentworth, Justin's son.

For Ann Leadbetter, Donovan reported on the programs scheduled for November 27th (Chris Pinchbeck on Sweetland's store & tavern and the new bagpipe and children's education center there), December 11th (Christmas brunch), and for next April through October.

Old Business: none

New Business:

For the Nominating Committee (Hope Chase, Herb Hart & Bill Jones) Jones reported nominations of Donovan Bowley for President, Bob Appleby for Vice President, Gwen Brodis for Treasurer and Bill Jones for Secretary. There being no other nominations from the floor, the slate was unanimously adopted.

The meeting adjourned at 7:04.

* * *

Bill Jones introduced speaker Les Fossel from Alna, owner/operator of Old House Restoration, Maine's biggest house-restoration company. While the speaker was setting up, since he had taken time off from his campaign for Maine Senate to speak to us on his birthday, after he had blown out 6 candles on a cake, we sang him "happy birthday." By mistake, the speaker had brought slides of how his father smuggled spies into Norway in World War II. Instead of showing us those, he asked for and responded to questions from members on old houses, how to date them, styles of capes, particularly of styles of cabinet-makers and carpenters, of "Christian doors," frames, windows and foundations, of houses and their placement and orientation, of the materials used to make them, and more. The session was ended at about 8:45 to allow those who wished to leave and watch the Presidential debate, but the speaker generously stayed, answered more questions and discussed points raised.

Respectfully submitted,

Bill Jones, Secretary
