The meeting was called to order by President, Juanita Hunt at 7:00 P. M. at the Hope Fire Station for our Annual Meeting. Those attending were: Barbara Ludwig, Bill Jones, Ron Smith, Bob Appleby, Ron Howard, Juanita Hunt, Jim DellaPenna, Cindy DellaPenna, Florance Merrifield, Bill Borch, Mary Ireland, Bernice Gleason, George Jennings III, Linda Hillgrove, Ann Leadbetter, Marie Berry, Judith Jones, Donovan Bowley, Sydney Hall, David Hall, and Emily Saladino. Guests were: Rhona Paul, Viola Richardson, Thomas Ingraham, Chuck Huus, James Kimmett, and Betty Ingraham, Lyn Marx, Ann Tani,  and Donald and Barbara Drake.

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Secretary, Linda Hillgrove’s report was unanimously accepted.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer, Gwen Brodis, in her Annual Report of: Balance in Checking from September 30, 2019 of $1,438.84; Balance in Savings of $6,512.59; and Balance in CD for same period of $35,263.65.

OLD BUSINESS: Jim DellaPenna scraped and painted windows on the upper level as well as some on the lower level. Thank you as well to Cindy DellaPenna, Lewis and Florance Merrifield, Juanita Hunt and Linda Hillgrove.

Marie will be calling people to bake for the Election Day Bake, Craft and Quilt Sale to be held November 5, 2019 at the Hope Town Office from 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. when the polls close.

As a fund raiser to accompany our voting day bake, craft and quilt raffle Cindy DellaPenna would like to put together a cookbook with recipes in all categories such as: Appetizers, Beverages, Soups, Salads, Vegetables, Main Dishes, Breads and Rolls; Desserts, Cookies, Candy, Preserves and Relishes, etc. The deadline for submissions is December 10th which is our Christmas Pot Luck Brunch at 9:00 A. M. at the Hope Historical Home. Recipes can be sent to Cindy DellaPenna at 173 Main Street, Hope, ME 04847 or Email: lineagearray@gmail.com

On October 7th Juanita Hunt and Cindy DellaPenna spent an hour and a half with 10 Sweet Tree students from the 5th, 6th and 7th grades. They discussed Hope’s history, old land maps, roads, some gemology, and antique items stored at the HHS home. The students prepared questions before their visit and took notes. On October 27th grades one to four from Sweet Tree will visit.

WEBMASTER: Bob Appleby is concerned that a new computer tech has not been found to oversee our website. Juanita will look into options.

NEW BUSINESS: Election of officers was held with a nomination and seconded to keep Juanita Hunt as President; Cindy DellaPenna, Vice President; Treasurer, Gwen Brodis, and Linda Hillgrove as Secretary. There are committees to be filled i.e., Program Chair, Publicity, and Webmaster. Please contact Juanita Hunt. J

Lewis Merrifield has measured the ell windows and received an estimate of $331.69 for four storm windows. Lewis will scrape and paint the windows before installing the new storm windows. A motion to accept the estimate of $331.69 was made and accepted.

Donovan Bowley reported that the State Grange is moving and will be sending information they have from defunct Granges to the historical society of said towns.

The Tuesday, November 19th meeting will be a Day Trip to Robbins Lumber, Inc., in Searsmont at 10 A. M. Handouts will be provided if members do not want to walk approximately three miles to view the whole facility.

Respectfully Submitted,
Linda Hillgrove, Secretary                                                              